Oats for cooking. They are not "certified" gluten free but I don't think I have any problems with the. Honey, MM Fluff was for a dessert that I made. Popcorn. We usually pop popcorn ourselfs buying the popcorn in bulk and popping it in the microwave in a brown paper bag.
Peanut butter... NEED I SAY MORE!!!! This is my mix for making pancakes and behind it is the waffle maker we invested in. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Perfect waffles every time!
These nuggets are great for fruit snacks. Better than the traditional fruit snacks since they have more real fruit juice...we love them. ALSO.. it is a SIN to NOT have ice cream in our house. Barry and I enjoy our nightly scoop... or bowl of ice cream. Chocolate... need I say more!
My collection of flours.. I buy my flours at the asian market, anoka coop and online. Amazon.com is great but shipping is tough on the budget.
Cereal. ANYONE who knows me KNOWS I LOVE cereal. These are my staples... Kix is not "certified" gluten free but as far as I can tell on the label there is nothing "harmful" in there but rather they are manufactured around wheat products.
Corn chips. ... ingredients.. corn, lime and something else.. can't get much better than that!
Corn tortillas. I HATED them at first but you have to know how to handle them. Heat them for 20 seconds or until they are soft. Then you can do anything with them. We make PBJ tornatos.. it is just PBJ spread on it and rolled up. WE LOVE THEM. I have also put chicken salad on there... melted cheese.. made quesidillas... and use them for anything else you would bread. I will never again go without having them in my house!
So there is a few of the staple products that I have in my home. I am always trying new things and seeing if the store brand gf products are good. My advise... .have them on hand for when you have not planned ahead but homemade products are sooo much better and you eliminate all the extra's that are in the boxed goods.
Wow! This looks great! I am so impressed!